Friday, February 5, 2010


It is now Friday. My allergies thought they would kick into gear regardless of the actual season. Maybe I need to go back to the chiropractor. It was making such a wonderful difference but then I wanted to save money. Now that I think about it I will call them today. Maybe they won't hate me so much for missing my last appointment 5 months ago and never calling them. I really fail at that. I feel so bad that I missed it and then stressed about it so I just never called them. I like my sentences in this post. Long and rambling maybe I should throw in a few misspellings. Or maybe not.
I took so many various sinus drugs that my nose hairs are freaking out. My head pressure is building and my desire to be awake is diminishing. Too bad Belle can't just snuggle with me. She wants to play and run and jump and hop. That is too much for me at the moment.
This post has turned out to be completely useless. Oh well....hodgepodge right?

1 comment:

  1. Or try probiotics. I keep meaning to try that with Sam, I think I should ask the dr. first. But I should start them if I want them to be making any kind of difference by May.
