Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blind Side

I saw the movie 'The Blind Side' last night. I loved it. It was everything I wanted in a movie. Funny, heart warming, great ending. I like to leave the theater in a good mood. Then my friend and I were going to stop at Doc Chey's for a bite to eat. They are closed!! I am so so sad. Some stupid hospitality tax violation. What is that? You go out of business for not paying taxes? Stupid company.

The movie got me thinking. I wish I could be a foster parent sometimes. I see that so many kids need a place to be safe and loved. I could give them that. But dealing with DSS would make me angry I am sure. They are overworked and I truly don't think they are doing what is in the best interest if the child. I feel like I have a heart to help but maybe not the wallet at this time.


  1. Oh, that's how I feel, too. Like I would love to foster and help. Maybe someday.

  2. I hate how so much comes down to money.

  3. Foster, no. Adopt, yes!

    Going through the state classes confirmed even more how much the foster system sucks. Just go check out all the Heart Galleries in various cities and states. Many of those kids just sit in the system being bounced around from foster home to foster home until they finally age out. It's almost like the state really doesn't put much effort into finding children permanent homes. The whole system just irks me. Of course, I am a little extra irritated as I am finished with all the required paper work to adopt and am actively pursuing children, and still the whole process feels like I am a lonely salmon swimming upstream in a river made of peanut butter.
    As for The Blind Side, it did not irk me at all. It made me want to continue wading in the peanut butter. I loved it!
